Orangutans rescued near industrial timber estates in Indonesia
Three orangutans trapped in an unforested area between industrial timber estates in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, were rescued by specially-trained teams from the companies (Sumalindo Hutani Raya and Surya Hutani Jaya) which operate industrial timber estates there. The company planned to release the female orangutan, her baby, and a teenager back into the wild at the Kutai National Park.
These three are an example of the hundreds of orangutans forced out of their forested habitat due to expansion of timber estates, palm oil plantations and mining operations.
Capturing an orangutan requires specific skills, and only three companies in East Kalimantan have trained teams: Sumalindo Hutani Raya, Surya Hutani Jaya (both part of the Sinar Mas Group), and palm oil plantation operator Teladan Prima Sawit. These teams can prevent the slaughter of the orangutans, which is a common response when orangutans are found on a plantation. For more information, click here.